Spotlight on QBD Robina 2016

The team at QBD Robina are sharing their love of great books (and their smiles) with us this week as they burst into the QBD Spotlight!


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:

9780062315007This is a must read for absolutely everyone! It is one of those books that touches your soul and stays with you long after the last page has been turned. It’s a book about following your dreams and staying true to yourself in times of peace and in times of hardship. It’s about listening to your heart and trusting your instincts. It’s a wonderful book that brings life back into focus and gives you perspective when you need it most. Inspiring! – Taysa (Store Manager)

Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs by Johann Hari

At once thought-provoking and entertaining, Hari has written a well-balanced account that covers all sides of this important debate. It encompasses history, sociology, politics, and includes personal stories from users, law enforcement, psychologists, and the author himself. While not claiming to have all of the answers, he argues convincingly for a change to how society views and deals with the issues at stake. I found it to be deeply moving, challenging, and hopeful. Highly recommended! – Angela (Store 2IC)

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

9781743549551A woman sentenced to death for murder, a reluctant family sheltering her, a young priest sent to save her soul. People thrust together under harrowing circumstances. Did she do it, or not? Is she likely to do it again? Only Agnes knows the truth and she’s not talking. Fabulous multi award winning novel of Iceland in the 1800’s based on a true story. Feel the cold in the dugout home, smell the wood smoke, taste the dried fish. Gripping, exceptional, totally compelling. – Maxine

Iron King by Julie Kagawa

This is not a book about airy fairies, this is a book about the way fae were originally written; manipulative and diabolical. It follows the life of misfit Meghan Chase, the unknown daughter of the famed Summer King, Oberon, who falls into the land of the Nevernever and all the discord between the Summer, Winter and Iron Realms within. This is a pretty neat book with a clever idea that introduces the younger generation to timeless legends which we should never let be forgotten. – Rachel S.

Falling into place by Amy Zhang

9780062367884One afternoon in physics class, Liz Emerson reviewed Newton’s Laws of Motion. Then, after school, she decides to test them by running her car off the road. Suspended between life and death, questions of the why, who, and the how plague the reader. This book is perfect for fans of If I Stay and Thirteen Reasons Why. Told in a non-linear narrative, the writing will break your heart and the characters will keep you up at night. A provocative must-read. – Jocelyn

Perfume by Patrick Suskind

I can’t believe I hadn’t read this book sooner! Patrick Suskind writes with perfect balance of dark subject content and captivating language. It’s as though this book was especially written for me! Jean-Baptiste Grenouille has to be one of my favourite characters of all time. – Elliott

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

9781447265443My favourite book in the world because it contains a bit of everything. Love, sex, birth, death, history, war, peace and a bit of stone masonry. Who could ask for more? Set in Kingsbridge in twelfth century England, the plot centres around Prior Phillip and his wish to build an exceptional cathedral. But the action is far more widespread than the one little English village and will appeal to anyone who loves an epic story, whether they read historical fiction, action, adventure, romance or anything in between. This is a book I can confidently say that everyone in the world should read, and if you haven’t read it, buy it now. – Carly

Cobain: Montage of Heck by Brett Morgen & Richard Bienstock

Based on the acclaimed documentary film, the Montage of Heck contains a brilliant collection of memorabilia, interviews, drawings and memories of Kurt Cobain. Even if you have seen the film this book features a lot of things that were not expressed or shown. Thus, meaning Cobain still has many more interesting views, art works, song lyrics that have not been featured or seen before. A different approach is taken when reading through instead of watching the documentary as it is more in depth and shows the reader a better outlook on who Kurt Cobain was. – Liam

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

9781406365054The Mortal Instruments series are the books that had really gotten me started on my love for books today but in particular, City of Glass. It is an absolute easy read as there is never a dull moment through the War, friendship and the decision on whether or not to pursue a love that is forbidden. This is an extremely captivating book that you’re never going to want to put down, ever! – Kate

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

This book series kept me on my toes from the first sentence to the last! With violence, romance and magic this book is at the top of my fantasy favourites list and will no doubt stay there. Celaena is such an original character with hardships and humour that make me want to laugh and cry. Her ability to endure such death, though most she’s caused, is an indication of how strong a character she is. I could honestly ramble on and on about how amazing this book is but I would probably stop making sense. So I’m just going to keep it simple. If you read this book you will never look at a pretty face without thinking that she can and will kill you. – Rachael A.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

9780099771517Memoirs of a Geisha is a first person insight into the everyday living of Kyoto Geisha, Chiyo. Chiyo was sold as a child to be trained as a Geisha and has had to take lesson and learn from only the best in the city. In between the disasters of Chiyo attempting to run away and rebel against the Okiya, Chiyo becomes one of the best Geisha’s in town and runs her competitor, Hatsumono out of business. Golden has done an amazing job representing the Japanese culture and the practises the Geisha’s must take part in. A must read for everyone! – Jade

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