QBD’s 25 Books of Christmas: #8

Our Elves are delving into the world of Westeros with this addition to their Christmas wishlist! Before Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne there was Dunk and Egg. A young, naïve but courageous hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall towers above his rivals – in stature if not experience.Tagging along with him is his diminutive squire, […]

In the Game of Scones all men must dine… Game of Scones is a spoof recipe book created in homage to the hit series that we all love. Full of recipes created in homage to the knights and renegades, liars and honest folk who wage war to control the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, this spoof […]
Journey around Westeros with Dunk and Egg

We know all George R R Martin fans have been waiting interminably for the new book in the Game of Thrones series, and apparently it is coming… …just not yet. In the meantime he has released a tantalising new adventure to keep us in touch with the world of Westeros, A Knight of The Seven […]
Father’s Day GOT Madness

With the popularity of George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones series growing ever higher and the complex relationships contained within, it was inevitable that some witty people would relate it to Father’s Day. For your enjoyment here are a few of the best travelling the internet at the moment. We have (of course) omitted anything too […]