
Spotlight on QBD Toowoomba

Our Toowoomba team have stolen the QBD Spotlight this week,
dazzling us with their fantastic reviews!

9780091955106The Life–Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo:
I was curious to read this book as in general I don’t have a lot of clutter lying around, but like most people the cupboards can get a little overflowing after a while.
The first task Marie recommends is dumping all your clothes on the floor in a pile, then to pick up each one and ask yourself if this item gives you joy? Even though it sounds a bit strange the act of handling each item forces you to make a decision and I found myself getting quite ruthless as I went along. Can’t say it will be quite so easy when it comes to tackling my bookshelves!
The author clearly has an obsession with tidying. She does not deny this. Apparently, she’s been this way since she was a wee, strange child and goes into great detail at the beginning of book about her childhood hobby of “tidying”. This makes the start a bit of a slog. I found some of her beliefs a little quirky and I will not be emptying my bag out each night so my stuff can “breathe” only to put everything back in come morning!! But if you can overlook some of the odd things she says, you’ll more than likely find something here to help you out.
I feel happier with less stuff cluttering my life already! – Janelle (Store Manager)

The Diamond Throne by David Eddings:
David Eddings never disappoint, and this series is no exception. It has everything you could want in a fantasy novel; a gripping story line, nail-biting action, immensely likeable characters and a witty dialogue. Do yourself a favour and read this book. – Caitlin

9780857502476The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen:
It would be truly unthinkable to become Queen at the young age of only nineteen but that is exactly
want has happened to Kelsea Glynn. She now has to stay alive long enough to turn her kingdom from a place where nobody is safe to even leave the house, to somewhere you would want your family to grow up. It has everything from corruption to dark magic, even some hold your breath fight scenes and lot lots more. Its really hard to explained this book in a few sentences, you will just have to read it, you won’t be disappointed, I wasn’t.
I’m now reading The Invasion of the Tearling and Oh my, so good. – Barb (Store 2IC)

Risk by Fleur Ferris:
An amazing novel, written by a great author that harbours the dangers of the online world. It was a truly captivating read, that made me contemplate the use of social media. Had such an incredible story line, that contained emotion and heart break and proves that anyone is at risk. A definite read for all teenagers so that they can understand the dangers that come with going online, and talking to complete strangers. Every page will have you wanting more and will leave you wondering about what will happen next. – Kellie

9780575104044Reckoners 01: Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson:
Two years ago a bright red ball of light appeared like a star in the sky. Calamity. Slowly, regular men and women began to gain inhuman powers, and with power comes great tyranny. From the broken walls of a bank in Newcago where the Epic Steelheart reigned, David witnessed his father’s murder at the hands of the great, impenetrable and immortal Epic. David escaped the brutal murder of hundreds that day with his life and a secret. David had seen Steelheart bleed.
For years David devotes his life to the Epic’s, attempting to uncover Steelhearts weakness and join the rebellion known as the Reckoners, a group dedicated to erasing the Epic’s who have caused destruction and oppression. Soon, David’s path to avenging his father begins to form.
There will be a reckoning. The heroes will come.
A tale of revenge and hero’s like no other, Brandon Sanderson’s ‘Steelheart’ is the first in the Reckoners series and lays the foundation to a truly thrilling mini series full of love, loss, betrayal and power. – Tayla

Shadow of a Dark Queen by Raymond E Feist:
Such a dark and obscure, yet mystically wonderful novel. Feist’s novels are an action packed read, and I suspect that the Serpent War series will remain amongst the great. Eager to see what else is in store for this series. – Clare

9781847386960Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick:
Hush Hush’, a series by Becca Fitzpatrick provides readers with a fantastic new perspective of angels in heaven, fallen angels, humans and the species in between, the Nephil. The main character Nora Grey, must first come to terms with the new guy in her class, Patch, who disconcerts and has a strange magnetic hold over her, one to which she is powerless to resist. With their relationship rife with distrust and only in the early stages, Nora, suspicious of Patch, investigates his habits and tracks him to to his hangouts. After one or two life or death experiences both begin to rely on the other, trusting the other with their life. Even as sworn enemies, dictated by their race. The pair face obstacle after countless obstacle, testing the boundaries of their love and finding what it means to be broken and fixed. Once Nora and Patch defy the barriers of society and race, they are a force to be reckoned with, two parts of one being, working together to stop enemies who are just a little too close to home. Nora and Patch, a love across races and centuries.
I couldn’t stop reading until I had finished all four books, wished there was more. Thoroughly enjoyable read. – Danielle

The Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin:
The Unbecoming,The Evolution and The Retribution of Mara Dyer are an outstanding trilogy of books that I will definitely never forget. I was captivated by these novel from the very first page and couldn’t put the book down. The plot to the novels is intriguing and mysterious,unlike anything I have ever read before. I fell in love with Michelle Hodkin’s style of writing as it is so descriptive and unique. It amazes me that these are the first books to be written by her as it is such a beautiful series. – Riva


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