We are each trying to control our shadow, that which we have not resolved from our past. Jake Whyte is no exception. All the Birds, Singing is her compelling story. It unfolds across two islands and 30 years. One is Jake’s future, a rugged, windswept English island where she has built her flock of sheep along with her only real companion, Dog. The other island is from her past, one of the remotest parts of Australia. Jake’s journey has not been an easy one but she has survived, and she won’t give in when she and her flock are threatened by a predator.
This book carries you on a moving and, sometimes, startling journey through one person’s life, losses, relationships and emotions. At all times, you want to understand Jake and what has shaped her. Author, Evie Wyld, does not disappoint you. She skilfully peels back the layers to reveal the source of Jake’s shadow. It is clear why All the Birds, Singing is the 2014 Miles Franklin Award winner.
A great read indeed.
-20dv at Woden QBD