
Happy Mothers Day!

QBD would like to thank everyone who entered our Mothers Day giveaway. We hope every Mum has a great day on Sunday. The winning entry was “She used to read Harry the Dirty Dog to us kids. When she was older & ill, we would read Harry Potter to her.”

Other entries we liked…

“The Narnia series! I spent hours sitting in my wardrobe, looking for a secret door.”

“My mum always read Enid Blyton, I now read these classics to my children.”

“Mum and I used to read AWW 100 Delicious Biscuits and Slices 1972. We cooked almost
everything from it and I still have it!”

Always read “Are you My Mother?” with mum when I was little!”

“Every year mum we would read The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve.
It was my favourite tradition :)”


On Key

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