
Tune In, Tune Out

Stuck in TV limbo while waiting for the new season of your favourite show? Or, even worse, has the series finale come and gone and now you’re at a loss? Never fear! We’ve got your next read all sorted – based on your favourite TV show!

9780141037448Love Downton Abbey? Try Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford.
“Love indeed – whoever invented love ought to be shot.”
Love in a Cold Climate is filled with drama, glittering wit, and a cast of wonderfully eccentric characters. Be transported back to 1930s Britain, where the aristocratic Montdore family is stubbornly self-assured of their own superiority, and are in for the shock of their lives.

rsz_9781743317884Love Better Call Saul? Try The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly
“You’re a sleazy defense lawyer with two ex-wifes and an eight-year-old daughter and we all love you.”
Mickey Haller is a lawyer who doesn’t waste time worrying if his clients are innocent or guilty. For him, the law is a matter of manipulation and negotiation, and he’s not too picky where the paycheck is coming from. The Lincoln Lawyer is impossible to put down, with a cast of likeable characters and a gripping thrill-ride of a plot.

revolutionary-roadLove Mad Men? Try Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates
“Everything is selling. Nothing happens in this world, nothing comes into this world, until somebody makes a sale.”
Set in the American ‘Golden Age’ of 1955, Revolutionary Road follows the pursuits of a glamorous young couple who move to suburbia with their young children, and assume that greatness is just around the corner. Just like Mad Men, be prepared for characters who enjoy love affairs, whiskey drinking, cigarette smoking, and fast talking.

9780552772761Love The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Try Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
“Jeez Louise. I know why rich people are so thin: it’s from trekking around their humongous houses the whole time.”
Have you ever wished you would suddenly wake up one day and your whole life will have sorted itself out? That’s what happened to Lexi: one minute, she’s 25 and struggling through life and love, the next minute, she’s waking up in a hospital bed, three years later, to find out she’s got her dream job and is married to a millionaire! In between watching her trying to navigate her new life and being bombarded with revelations of the events of the past three years, we get treated to hilarious gems like watching her devastation at the break-up of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, and her excitement at a new Harry Potter novel. This novel is funny, warm, and uplifting.

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