
Reviewsday: Freakonomics

9780141019017It’s so easy to say after every second book that I read, “omg that was amazing, I love that book”, but in the case of these two books, I actually do love them, and have read them both multiple times. I couldn’t ever be described as a fan of fiction (although I do read some from time to time), however I’m definitively a fan of fact based social commentaries, and these two books would be top of the list.

When Dubner, a writer, approached Levitt, an economist, a decade ago, I doubt either would have imagined the world of Freakonomics that they spawned, and the best news is that we get another dose in June with When to Rob A Bank. The witty and intelligent style of the books mirrors the abstract and sometimes astonishing conclusions about seemingly innocuous subjects like what do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? They 9780141030708also delve into more serious subjects, including crime and how your name can determine your salary & job prospects.

They make statements that may seem controversial or even unbelievable at first, but after taking their unique style to a vast array of topics, it becomes extremely hard to doubt their logic, and ignore their conclusions.

On Key

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