Theodore Finch captured my heart from the moment he was as an entity in the book, which was right at the beginning. From then, his wits and affection for Violet only made him all that much more appealing. He was so real in those pages that it hurt to know what was coming but not be able to stop it. I felt more emotions for this character than any other one. You’d think it not possible after Augustus Waters, but Finch made it possible.
-K. Merrylees
We had a multitude of great entries- thankyou! Some of the most popular characters people nominated were:
Augustus Waters – The Fault in our Stars
Celaena Sardothien – Throne of Glass series
Hermione Granger- Harry Potter
Jace Wayland- The Mortal Instruments series
Katniss Everdeen- Hunger Games series
Rose Hathaway- Vampire Academy series
Eleanor – Eleanor & Park