
Spotlight on QBD Garden City

Our team at QBD Garden City are always ready with a book suggestion!
This week they’ve shared with us what they’re currently enjoying
– just in time to add to our Christmas wishlists.

xbig-little-lies.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NG7gPQWCXABig Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
I am definitely a fan of Liane Moriarty and as soon as I picked up Big little lies and read the first chapter I was hooked from the first word till last! If your after a fantastic read then this is the one! The story is full of mystery and drama, you won’t be able to put it down. It has its ups and downs from marriage, friendship, bullying but at some points in the book it has laugh out loud moments. I enjoyed it a lot and was disappointed that it ended and highly recommend it to anyone who loves a light drama suspense. – Chau (Store Manager)

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
This book opened my eyes up to the harsh realities of what life can be in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini knows how to tug at your heart strings and make you feel what the characters of the story are feeling. It is compelling and has a powerful grip on your perspective of friendship, hardship and guilt. If you are after a good fiction read, I highly recommend it. – Michelle (Assistant Manager)

what-if-What If by Randall Munroe
‘What If” is the perfect mixture of science and satire. It provides answers to ridiculous hypothetical questions that some of us have wondered about our entire lives. “What would happen if absolutely everyone jumped at the same time?” Now I know! This book provides a whole lot of laughs as well as brilliant scientific theories that have me hoping I can find something similar again soon. – Zoe

Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children By Ransom Riggs
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children is a book of pure magic. Part fantasy, part adventure, part eccentric photo collection, this is a story that will enthral and enchant teens and adults. This book is one of the most original and captivating stories I have read in a long time! – Brianna

mao-s-last-dancerMao’s Last Dancer by Li Cunxin
Mao’s Last Dancer is based on the inspiring story of Li Cunxin, a Chinese boy who is forced to make life changing decisions. Through his love for dance, Li Finds the strength to overcome his fears as he enters into a new world full of exciting experiences and opportunities. This autobiography, turned into film, has made me reflect on my own life and my choices, and appreciate how privilege I am. – Courtney

Angelfall By Susan Ee
Angelfall follows 17 year old Penrynn, her crazy mother and her wheelchair bound sister, Paige, as they fight to survive in a world set 6 weeks into the angel apocalypse. While moving locations one night, Penrynn’s family witness a fight between three angels that ends with Paige being captured and Raffe, an archangel, left behind. Penrynn and new ally Raffe strike a deal: she will help him navigate the streets of San Francisco back to the angel’s stronghold, and in return Raffe will help Penrynn find her sister. Angelfall is packed with dark and creepy elements that are offset by witty, sarcastic characters and laugh out loud moments. After finishing her debut novel in one sitting, I am excited to get my hands on anything else Susan Ee writes. – Eilidh

9780340980934Delirium By Lauren Oliver
The novel Delirium by Lauren Oliver is a book for young adults and is romance, utopian and and dystopian fiction. There are three books in the series – delirium being the first. The main plot explores an alternate present day where love or amor deliria nervosa is a disease. Against the wishes of her peers and family, the main character Lena falls in love and will risk everything to follow these mysterious and forbidden feeling inside her. This book is well written and has stimulating and thought- provoking content which made it a fun and invigorating read. Highly recommended.

All the Bright Places By Jennifer Niven
From the moment that two teens meet on the ledge of the school bell tower two lives changed. It follows the lives of Theodore Finch, a boy with the love of adventure and a fascination with death and Violet Markey, a girl who cannot wait to escape her home town and who is continuously looking forward to the future. Finch and violet start their unlikely friendship with a school project, set to have the pair exploring natural wonders of their state. Finch makes it his mission to be as adventurous as possible in an attempt to make Violet live the day’s she’s counting away. With the trip planned out it isn’t long before the pair start to get close and discover new and exciting sides to life. All the Bright Places is a bout a “girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die”. From start to finish, you will be on the edge of your seat, waiting to find out what happens next and wondering if today is a good day to die. – Tegan

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