Reviewsday: The Good People by Hannah Kent

good-peopleI have always considered Hannah Kent as one of my favorite authors. Since reading Burial Rites, I am yet to find another author who can paint a picture in my mind quite like Hannah can. When I heard that she was releasing The Good People I was unsure if she would be able to meet the expectations I had because of how much I loved Burial Rites. Not only did she meet the expectation, she blew my mind. By chapter 6 I was finding any spare moment I could to read just a few more pages. I was reading it while I was cooking, while I was walking to work, in my lunch break, until ridiculous hours of the morning. I could not put it down. I needed to know what happened to Nora, Nance and Mary. In the beginning of the book, your heart will be breaking for Nora and Mary, you will be intrigued by Nance but by the end your mind will be in 12 different spaces not knowing what or how to feel. This book was exhilarating, sad, heart breaking and so very twisted. I will now recommend this book to anyone who will stand still long enough.

~ Chaille, QBD Highpoint

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