
Reviewsday: Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr Seuss

Dr. Seuss, most famous for his rhyming schemes and the educational benefit of his works, is, in my opinion, one of the best authors that has ever lived.
Think about it. What child has never read at least one Dr Seuss book and loved it?
My sister’s favourite book was Put Me in the Zoo which she memorised to the point of being able to ‘read’ to herself. My father’s was Dr. Seuss’ ABC which later in life helped me learn the alphabet myself, much to the amusement of my first grade classmates.

But mine is much different, less amusing, and more valuable. It is a little picture book that has stood me in good stead over many years of hardship. It also makes a fabulous graduation present.


No matter where you go in life, the words “You’re off to great places, Today is your day, Your mountain it waiting, So … Get on your way!” have this insane ability to make you feel like anything is possible. This book has encouraged me to do hard things, like applying to university and moving out of home.

So whether you are 5 and starting primary school, or 18 and graduating high school, whether you are 30 and moving up in the world, or 70 and about to retire, this book has a message in it that spans all generations.

Life is rough. And Dr Seuss has written the pep talk of a life time.

~Georgia, QBD Brisbane City 

On Key

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