What do I think of when Garth Nix is mentioned?
I think of magic, adventure, battles and of course, the dead.
Lirael and her sister Sabriel are back with this brand new novel Goldenhand! From the beginning I saw that this had the notable quality Nix always brings to his novels. The knack of knowing his characters, who they are completely, not just as two dimensional characters.
The dead are rising again, free magic creatures are on the prowl and the Abhorsen and the Abhorsen-in-waiting are the only ones equipped to deal with it. But will Lirael’s ability as remembrancer be a hindrance or a help? Only she will be able to unlock secrets of the past to help The Old Kingdom with it’s future.
New romance blossoms between the pages so delicately I felt myself grinning like a fool reading it. Seriously, you will love how cute certain characters are in this! So, no spoilers BUT expect to meet old character’s anew, friend and foe alike. I really couldn’t put this down until I had finished.
Only one question remains, will there be another one?!
~ Hayley, QBD Hornsby