QBD Reviews: ‘Yes Please’ by Amy Poehler

yes-pleaseLet Amy take you on her amazing journey from starring as Dorothy in her school production to being the household name who always makes us laugh. Learn just how hard it was for Amy to become famous, met Tina Fey and and how she never gave up!

Amy teaches her readers three important lessons:

1. Say whatever you want
2. Do whatever you like
3. Be whoever you are

Listen as Amy gives you life advice rooted from her own experiences; and learn the true meaning of this book’s title. ‘Yes Please’ is a common phrase for Amy – a mother who worked up until the day she gave birth! That’s the level of dedication and passion Amy has for her job!

Amy’s book is far from your typical celebrity biography – this one includes segments of divorce books to come, poems, and funny pictures throughout.

Incredibly funny and beautifully genuine, Amy allows everyone into her deepest thoughts in her book. Once you start reading, it is difficult to put down! With chapter titles such as “Humping Justin Timberlake” and “Talk to Yourself like You’re Ninety,” it is easy to convince yourself to read just one more chapter – you will find yourself wanting to read the whole book in one sitting!

 ~ Jacqueline, QBD Epping

On Key

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