QBD Reviews: Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica

pretty-babyHow far would you go the help a complete stranger?

One moment she’s there – torn clothes, weathered suitcase, shivering in the rain and holding a baby – the next moment, she’s gone, vanishing into the depths of one of the ever-running trains. Try as she might, Heidi Woods cannot get the girl out of her head. There was something about her in that moment, in her eyes, maybe, or the desolate, distant way she juggled the sleeping baby, that sparked pity and compassion in her. She knows she has to find a way to help her.

So begins a curious tale of two worlds colliding, with disastrous consequences that neither Heidi nor the girl, Willow, could have foreseen. As the story unfolds, glimpses of Willow’s backstory and true identity keep you turning the pages, desperate to get to the bottom of the truth – and she’s not the only person who has something to hide. With secrets layered between lies unravelling left, right and centre, the lines between good and bad blur irreversibly, and nothing will prepare you for the heart-wrenching conclusion to this epic read.

Packed with raw emotion, murky morals and good intentions gone bad, Pretty Baby is a hard-hitting read that will keep you guessing until the very end. With so much lurking underneath the surface of what seems to initially be a simple tale, this is not a book to be passed up!

On Key

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