Just What I Needed…Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

I finished this in a matter of hours, though I spread my reading out over a day and a bit.
Filled with illustrations and diagrams and IM logs, this was a good read that I absolutely powered through. It had a lot of positives but also a bunch of negatives.

* I felt like the development of Olly and Maddy’s relationship was normal, and relatable considering their almost unrelatable situation.
* Maddy is a great bookish character and I feel like YA books need more bookish girls
* Maddy’s nurse is AWESOME.

* Maddy says she isn’t reckless: gets a credit card, buys 2 lots of flights, a hotel room and I assume a whole bunch of other practical stuff like food and taxi fare, as well as clothes and nearly $300 worth of clothes on her mother’s credit card… not reckless?
* Olly seems to give up pretty easily
* The whole running off to Hawaii thing was a bit much for me.

I disliked Maddy’s mum from the start, but I loved pretty much everyone else. Olly is a complex character and a great romantic interest.

Though this was an incredibly easy read, it has reignited my passion for reading. It wasn’t a substantial book, but it definitely gave me those butterflies that a good YA romance does.

I am looking forward to reading Nicola Yoon’s other book The Sun Is Also a Star as it sounds just as interesting and light as this one does. Normally, that would be something that I would put a book back on the shelf for, but I guess it was just what I needed right now.


On Key

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