
Is there a release date for the next George RR Martin book?

A Song Of Ice And FireIn January, his UK publisher Jane Johnson revealed via Twitter that the book would “certainly” not be published before 2015. Saying that George has his critics over the time he takes to write his books is putting it mildly. George has allegedly had pressure from the producers of the hit TV series, who will soon catch up with the books completed so far. Some fans have voiced their frustrations online, although many fans have rallied behind him.

This book will be crucial in setting the stage for the final installment, Dreams of Spring. Mr Martin has stated that TWOW will be finished “when it’s finished”, so while we can spend the time between now and then in a mixture of impatience and anticipation, we can at least read an excerpt…

read The Winds Of Winter excerpt

I Broke the Internet. Sorry about that. The upload of the new sample chapter from THE WINDS OF WINTER created so much traffic to my website and blog that the servers crashed.

For anyone that may not know (both of you), Season 4 starts April 7th…

On Key

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