What We Read: QBD Fountain Gate

This week our Fountain Gate team let us know all about their latest reads!
There’s something for everyone’s TBR in here!

Woman In The Window by A J Finn:

If you loved Girl on the train, you will love Woman in the Window. It’s about a woman called Anna Fox who becomes agoraphobic after a traumatic experience. Anna lives alone never leaving her home. Spying on her neighbors. Anna soon becomes fascinated by the Russells’ family. One day Anna hears a deadly scream coming from the Russells’. Thinking someone has been murdered see calls the police. After explaining what she had heard, no one believed her as Anna drinks at least 2 bottles of red a day and was medicated. Anna then doubts herself. If what she heard was real or just in her mind. Anna continues to follow the Russells to get down to the truth. A must read! – Joanne

Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens:

A love triangle like no other. This book is full of love and heartbreak. You will fall in love with Kellan Kyle lead singer of a local band and Keira with her boyfriend Danny starting a new life in a new town. You can feel the pull of the love that can not happen and the struggles of one with a heartbreaking past. Follow the journey and enjoy Thoughtless with more books that follow , Effortless and Reckless. – Daniela

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven:

‘All The Bright Places’ is a heartbreaking tale of friendship and love between Theodore Finch and Violet Markey. The story conveys hope whilst remaining true to the characters in the novel. A good read for those who like the work of John Green. – Chanelle

The Love That I Have by James Moloney:

Margot Baumann is a young German girl who adores Hitler and wonders what it is like to be in love. She starts working in the mailroom of a concentration camp in 1944 when her naive view of the world irrevocably changes. Rather than destroy letters written by prisoners’ as ordered, she secretly smuggles some, intending to forward them on to their loved ones. Letters between Dieter and his girlfriend Margot affect her so deeply that she is able to bravely and positively intervene where once it seemed all hope was lost. Powerful, unforgettable and heartbreaking. Fans of The Book Thief will love this book. – Nola

The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris:

This is a raw story of life and love in Auschwitz-Birkenau. A confronting and uplifting tale of survival.
Based on a true story of an immigrant to Melbourne; it transports you to a time and place in history almost unimaginable to readers today. – Antonia

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