Check out all of these great reads!
Our West Lakes team have a wide selection of books for you to add to your shelves.
Action Comics #1000 80 Years of Superman by Cristophe Galfard:
I am a massive comic collector, so when Action comics #1000 came out I had to have it. I also had to have this HC 80 years of Superman. It is a fantastic read, with classic Superman issues plus a story that was not published in the 1940s. The classic stories give us a great snapshot of the times and events going on in that era and how the comic book art changed with every year and with every new artist joining the DC team.
I enjoyed every moment of this fantastic collection of stories spanning across the 80 years of Action comics. Unfortunately issue #1000 is not actually in the book, as it was released a week later than the hard cover. After reading the Superman classics you should definitely read Action comics #1000 to see what’s coming up for the next big story event.
A great read for comic fans young and old. – Sam

Top 5 books that Auntie Jess doesn’t get sick of reading to her nieces:
1. Room on the Broom
2. The Very Cranky Bear
3. Where the Wild things Are
4. The Wonky Donkey
5. Feathers for Phoebe

One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus:
Into detention one afternoon walks an athlete, a brain, a criminal, an outsider, and a princess.
Only four walk out.
When outsider, Simon, mysteriously dies in detention, his four classmates immediately become prime suspects in his murder. Considering he was only hours away from publishing their deepest, darkest secrets to his gossip blog, they all have motive to kill. Follow Bronwyn, Cooper, Nate, and Addy as they try to navigate the horrible world of being a teenager, while trying to prove to each other and the police that they did not murder Simon.
One Of Us Is Lying is honestly one of the greatest, most perfect books that I have ever read. It is an absolute cannot-put-down read that will leave you hooked on the most amazing characters, beautiful friendships, hilarious teenage drama, and of course a gripping murder-mystery that will leave you guessing until the very end. If you’re a fan of Pretty Little Liars, The Breakfast Club, or really any YA fiction, this is most definitely the book for you! – Bec

The Outsider by Stephen King:
How can one person be in two different spots, coach Terry Maitland is arrested for the disturbing murder of a young boy, even though he is seen at a book signing at the same time the murder took place, with his blood and DNA also found at the murders scene, has Detective Ralph Anderson arrested the wrong man, or are there strange things happening in the small town. There is also a cross over with Holly who helps out, from his Bill Hodges trilogy.
A fantastic supernatural read.
If you haven’t read the Bill Hodges trilogy, it starts with Mr Mercedes, followed by Finders Keepers and End of Watch. My other favourites are by Daniel Cole- Ragdoll and The Hangman. – Bill

The Top 3 books Chantelle is (trying desperately to be patiently) waiting for…
1. Throne of Glass 7: Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas
Release date: October 2018
“I can’t even with this, I’m so scared of what Sarah J Maas is going to do to my babies and OTP Rowaelin in this final instalment but so eager to see how it all turns out and yet don’t want it to be over! ARGH!”
2. Dark Artifices 3: Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
Release date: December 2018
Webster should list the definition of the word “Torture” as
Tor-ture /ˈtôrCHər/
The act of waiting 2 years for this book after that major cliffhanger in Lord of Shadows!
“It has been such a long wait for this one and still 6 months to go but I’m sure it will be worth it. This one is also the final novel in the series, why is everything ending this year!? I was pleasantly surprised by the first two books and can’t wait to see how she ends this trilogy and find out what on earth she has planned next for the world of the Shadowhunters.”
3. Strange the Dreamer 2: Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
Release date: October 2018
“EEEEK!!! that title is everything! And I’m pretty sure this is also the last book of this series 🙁
I’m still excited to return to this world of mystery, magic and blue skinned Gods!
Must heroes always slay monsters, or is it possible to save them instead?
Love and hate, revenge and redemption, destruction and salvation all clash in this gorgeous sequel to Strange the Dreamer.”

It by Stephen King:
IT‘s storyline is one that is far from being lost to the depths of time; the homicidal clown seen only by a select group of children in the town of Derry, has found itself residing within the nightmares of many. However, the widespread knowledge of IT only accentuates the near impeccable quality of the story. Being made and remade into blockbuster films, causing countless so called ‘strong-willed’ people to scream in panic, IT is a classic that should be experienced by all. With prosperous creativity found within the ideals of children attempting to defeat an unimaginable evil, hints of romance, and an everlasting presence of the paranormal tied with pure, undiluted terror comes IT; the phenomenon with elements for everyone; to be missed by no one… – Saxon

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