
To book or not to book?


Now Game of Thrones has been renewed for two more seasons, there’s been a lot of debate about which to enjoy first, the show or the book series? It’s a given that here at QBD, we prefer the latter, so we want to sway your opinion towards George R. R. Martin’s written word with this list of the few things in life Jon Snow’s eyes can’t satisfy you with.

black-lupinThe development of the characters is far more epic – The books map out the perspectives of each character, their emotions and motives. The depth of personality you experience in these characters creates more of an impact than you could possibly watch through a television screen. Tragedies are what make classics, so imagine seeing your teardrops staining the pages of the book in front of you rather than your TV remote (damage control!).

black-lupinYou don’t have to wait to find out what happens- No worrying about spoilers on social media, no shushing colleagues because you haven’t seen the latest episode yet, no pining for the next episode to come out. You can read at your own pace and you can enjoy it!

black-lupinYou will know who dies next This has become many-a-viewer’s concern. It’s like that horror movie when you’re waiting for the monster to come around the corner. You know it’s going to happen but you don’t know when. Just imagine how healthy your blood pressure could be had you read the books first?

black-lupinYou will (eventually) know who wins the Iron Throne – No one knows that yet, but you can choose how to find out. We bet you have a better imagination than you think. With two books awaiting release to complete the seven volume series, we’re on the edge of our seats. We have to remember it’s about the journey, not the destination.


On Key

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