
The Great Zoo of China

Lovers of Matthew Reilly take heart! A new book is being released by the popular author on 10  November 2014- featuring none other than his very first female lead character! Promised to be an action-packed thrill ride, it’s definitely one for your Christmas wishlist! (if you can wait that long to read it).

new matthew reillyEverybody who loves Reilly knows that his writing is heavily influenced by that of Michael Crichton; The Great Zoo of China is Reilly’s Jurassic Park.

Returning to his trademark action adventure, avid readers will be more than pleased with the rampant explosions, blood, guts, gore and an arsenal of weapons that would make a militia weep with envy.

Taking place more or less over a single night, Reilly has created his strongest female character in recent years, second only to the might of Scarecrow’s Mother. CJ Cameron is everything a large animal veterinarian should be, devoted, empathetic and level headed, but there’s a ying to her yang, she’s also a total badass who can handle a flamethrower with jaw-dropping skill and isn’t afraid to stick her head in an alligator’s mouth to save a child.

Needless to say, this book will leave readers wondering if, like the French, the Chinese will not publish this book on their shores, due to it’s less than favourable depiction of communist determination.

A mix of mythology and butt-kicking, CJ Cameron is the Ripley of literature and along with her brother Hamish an ambassador and his swarthy mysterious “aide” CJ has to pluck up the courage to save the world.

Full of action, Reilly has returned to his comfy chair after many felt that he had accidentally sat down in a stuffy wooden seat while writing Tournament. If you love the non-stop thrill ride of a Reilly novel, you won’t be disappointed, Reilly is back and with a vengeance.

-Samantha at Northlands QBD

On Key

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