Spotlight on QBD Eastland 2016


Today our QBD Spotlight shines on eclectic reading in Melbourne’s East!


9781743540145The Silent Inheritance by Joy Dettman:

I’ve been a Joy Dettman fan since the release of her first novel, Mallawindy. She has a way of writing that gives you enough clues to start off but then she continues to drop little snippets, as the story unfolds, to expand on her characters lives.

The Silent Inheritance does not disappoint! I particularly enjoyed this one because of its primary setting around the Melbourne suburbs of Blackburn/ Forest Hill/Vermont, my backyard. It’s always fun to identify the streets, buildings & businesses that are personally know to me. I thought I had the killer figured out on page 266 but Dettman does like to leave you guessing until the end…

So now I’ve finished and yet again waiting for her next offering. As much as I love her works, she frustrates me no end with her conclusions- I usually hold the book with both hands, shake it, and cry out! – Susan (Store Manager)

Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling:

This is an astounding literary achievement from Rowling who has created a book that is, in my mind, one of enduring significance and understated beauty. I fell in love with the Britishness of this novel and have never come across another book that weaves together a plot and characters so incredibly well. This book is PERFECTLY written.

I can’t even begin to explain properly the intricate web that Rowling has woven with this book, the only accurate explanation would be that although it is slow paced and at times, it is well worth the time and as a reader, I am extremely fulfilled for having read it.

This is not only an exploration of small town life, but a study of humanity in general and Rowling covers every aspect of it, from the upper echelons of society; it’s well-to-do aristocratic heirs, those who want to be like them but end up annoying everyone, those who would do anything to have another life, those who just don’t see what’s in front of them but is plain to everyone else, all the way through to those who just can’t seem to sort out their lives.

I cannot say enough how surprised I was at my enjoyment of this book especially considering that bad wrap it gets for not being Harry Potter. It is well worth the effort it takes to read it, but anyone who loves all things Britain, who loves stories of reality and human nature and books of extremely high quality will enjoy this book. – Sam

9780749955229Dark Lover by J.R Ward:

Recommended to me by a work colleague, it was my first real go at reading Paranormal. (If you don’t count reading twilight at age 12-which I don’t.)
Not knowing what to expect with this series of vampires, as I didn’t want another Twilight, I was soon to be absolutely hooked with the characters that Ward has introduced and I still to this day can’t seem to want to stop reading them. Ward has put her own twist on the vampire legend and I LOVE! I mean really, what’s not to love about a world with hot, muscular vampire warriors defending their race against the enemy?

The first in the series starts out as vampire Warriors known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood, lead by their king Wrath who is asked to to protect a half breed female while she goes through her transition. While Beth being a woman with eyes, finds it hard to resist Wrath’s charm. – Nicole

This Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff:

After this memoir originally being on my book list for year 12, I have found myself re-reading and enjoying the twisted sense of humour, deeper meaning and irony enveloped in its pages. Wolff’s recollection of his younger years are amusing and exciting to read, as it offers an adult bias on the child he was.
Tobias struggles with his popularity in younger years and his acceptance of just being “uncool”, he shows a lot of personal growth as he ages, becoming ultimately a very educated, intelligent man.

He learns from his single mother, who regards his happiness with the highest of effort. It follows post-war America and the want for the ‘American Dream’ as well as when it all goes badly.
The memoir is ultimately, one of my least expected high school loves. I am generally a paranormal, young adult, fantasy reader and classic to my teenage regard for the book list for school, my initial procrastination soon turned into an addiction with many hours spent enjoying this memoir. – Darci

9780141019017Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner:

I read this book for the first time when I was 15, many re-reads have followed since. This book is the reason I am studying economics today.

Having only read fiction prior, never before had I experienced such a thrilling analysis of society’s dark corners, the unnoticed idiosyncrasies pervading the world we inhabit everyday. Levitt and Dubner, both trained economists, bring the thinking, methodology and analysis of their field into a plane outside of traditional economics, posing questions such as: What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? Why do drug dealers still live with their moms?

This playful use of economic thinking is what lead to my fascination in the field, treating behavioural economics as a tool of exploration, expanding its reaches, and doing it all with a bright humorous curiosity. I owe these authors my passion for a career I’m itching to begin. – Josh

The Stand by Stephen King:

A story that truly lives up to the definition of an epic. After a deadly plague wipes out 99% of the world’s population, survivors across a ruined America must come together to salvage the future. But they’re not the only ones. Evil stirs in the west, and the Dark Man is coming.

King is a literary master, and at over a thousand pages long there isn’t a dull moment. Often regarded as one of his best works, The Stand is a tale of good, evil, and the American way. It explores what it means to be human and shows the moral struggles that we face in life. I’d highly recommend this book, or anything by Stephen King really, to those of you wanting to be excited, to be put on the edge of your seat, and to be a little scared. But beware if do begin this journey, for if you ever hear the sound of boot heels clicking along behind you, you’ll be headed for the hills in no time. – Sean

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