
OMG New Harry Potter!


Ever since the books and movies ended all die-hard Harry Potter fans have wondered how his life turned out. Especially because he fought so hard to keep it. Add to that the fact that J.K. Rowling admitted she should have married Hermione off to Harry and you get a whole mass of fan-girl screams (especially out of me!) when a new story comes out.

reviewpicblogThe epilogue at the end of the last movie is a little sneak peak into what all the characters might look like- but J.K. Rowling has now released a new Harry Potter short story authored by everyone’s favourite ‘reporter’ aka gossip columnist Rita Skeeter and Harry Potter’s wife, Ginny Weasley (now Ginny Potter). You do need to join the Pottermore website to view the story, but it’s worth it!

Taking place at the Quidditch World Cup, Ginny is actually reporting the game but Rita is just dishing all the goss on our favourite characters from the Harry Potter series. Who knows? Maybe a book will come out of it? We can only hope. In the meantime we can check out what sort of man Harry has become and speculate on whether or not there are any more adventures in his future.

On Key

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