Get Book Frenzy Fever!

Have you had your eye on a book? Need to buy a Christmas gift for that book-lover in your life?
Well buckle your seatbelts, because QBD has unleashed a sale of epic proportions!

For 2 days only, save 20-80% off the publisher’s retail price on ALL titles online (excluding eBooks)


Starts 11am TODAY and ends 9pm tomorrow night!

The fine print:
* Offer applies to QBD online purchases only
* Discount only applies to purchases made during promotional period
* Offer is only valid from 11am 15th November 2016 AEST to 9pm 16th November 2016 AEST.
* Discounts are applied to publisher’s RRP price
* Discount does not apply to eBooks, gift vouchers, or gift wrapping
* Free postage is applied to all orders made during this promotion. Free postage is to Australian addresses only.

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