Catalyst for Excitement: Review of a Rogue One Novel

star-wars-catalystAs we count down the days until Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is released into the cinemas, what more could one want but to be already immersed in the very story that will be shown? Star Wars Catalyst: A Rogue One Story is the prequel book for the upcoming movie and it makes sure readers are well aware of the stakes as it takes its readers to the corners of the galaxy. The book places us nicely in the timeline, as readers see the Clone Wars ends and the Empire rise, and have the curtain raised as they witness the birth of the Death Star. Star Wars Catalyst: A Rogue One Story covers and gives a background to all the characters we expect to see on the big screen, including appearances from a young Jyn, and even making Grand Moff Tarkin an important part of the story.

The story does not follow the movie cast, instead it sets the stage for both Rogue One and for Star Wars IV. This novel applies layers of conflict and is a wonderful appetizer for the movie. The plot is very much character driven, focusing on the tension between Jyn’s father, Galen, and Republic Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic. A fantastic read, wonderfully woven and full of many Star Wars moments, this is an amazing read for all Star Wars fans and while it does not spoil the upcoming movie, it is a definite must for all who are excited it.

On Key

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