
Batman: The Killing Joke

Jared-Leto-as-The-JokerSo did everyone see that picture of Jared Leto as the Joker for the upcoming Suicide Squad movie? Whether or not you think he looks like he’ll make a good Joker (or, for that matter, if he looks like a technicolour Marilyn Manson), it’s always fantastic to see new artists pay homage to classic works.

This photo shoot (apart from amping up our excitement for a new DC movie!) was designed to pay tribute to the classic Batman comic ‘The Killing Joke‘, which is often considered one of the greatest Batman (and certainly one of the greatest Joker) comics of all time.

The idea behind the comic is that all it takes is one bad day. One bad day to turn from sanity to insanity, from the hero to the villain. And for Batman, that day is here. The Joker, whilst fighting back the twisted 9781401216672 memories of his own ‘one day’, is doing everything in his power to tear down Batman’s walls of lawfulness and justice and plunge him into the Joker’s own dark lunacy. For his part, Batman is struggling with his own certainty that the only way his eternal war with the Joker will ever end, is by the death of one at the hands of the other.

The Killing Joke‘ is an iconic story of the knife’s edge separating sanity and madness, justice and vengeance. Even if you’ve never read a comic book or graphic novel before, this short story is one you will be thinking about long after turning the last page. A must read for any fans of comic book movies.

On Key

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