Is TV ready for Celaena?

Heads up Throne of Glass fans- Celaena may be stealing onto your screens as well as into your dreams! Not only is Sarah J Maas touring Australia in November for the first time to take part in pop-cuture expo Supanova, but she has just announced (via twitter) that the Throne of Glass series has been […]
QBD Reviews: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas

From the very first page Sarah J. Maas draws you in for a very long reading session. Celaena is back in the fourth novel of The Throne of Glass series. She has been through everything Wendlyn had to throw at her and she has come through it as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But has everything […]
Reviewsday: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

This is not your average fairy tale. Sure, it has handsome faery princes (kind of), a wicked witch (sort of) and an ancient curse that has ridiculous conditions that need to be met to break it, but Feyre doesn’t know any of this yet. All she knows is that if she doesn’t hunt, her family […]
Book-A-Like: Throne of Glass

Katniss Everdeen. The epitome of a strong female protagonist. Smart, resourceful, seemingly fearless. Whipping the Districts into revolution against the Capital. Don’t you just wish there were more characters like her? Enter Celaena Sardothian. Young. Beautiful. Deadly. A renowned killer, betrayed by someone in the shadows of her life, she was caught and sentenced to […]