Spotlight on QBD Liverpool
From spine-chilling thrillers to action-packed biographies our Liverpoool team have some great reading suggestions for you this week! It by Stephen King: You want scary? Pennywise is here and he’ll scare the be-Jesus out of you every other page. Pennywise made an entire generation scared of clowns when the film came out, kinda topical now […]
Spotlight on QBD Liverpool

Our Liverpool team are quick with a good book suggestion! Check out what they have been reading lately… Reckoners 01: Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson: Brandon Sanderson has outdone himself in his latest venture into sci-fi fantasy and young adult fiction. With the third book in the trilogy (Calamity) released and a movie deal in development, […]
Spotlight on QBD Liverpool

It’s all action and adventure this week as the QBD Liverpool team take the spotlight! There’s something for everyone- take a peek… Leadbelly by John Silvester & Andrew Rule: When the shooting starts in the underworld, war is a short word that covers a lot of ground. It can be a blood feud between criminal […]