The School for Talking Pets – Franc.World review

The School for Talking Pets by Kelli Anne Hawkins Kelli Anne Hawkins is a new Australian author. She lists some of her favourite things are airports, velvet jackets, mangoes, the colour yellow, the satisfaction of crossing stuff off lists and staring at the ocean. Perfect author material if you ask us! Her first book is […]
Treasure in the Lake – Franc.World Review

Treasure In The Lake by Jason Pamment This book is fun! Not only is it a based on a grand adventure full of secrets and action, but it’s created in the form of a graphic novel, where the beautiful pictures tell much of the story. When Iris and her best friend Sam stumble upon an […]
The Astonishing Chronicle of Oscar From Elsewhere – Franc.World Review

The Astonishing Chronicles of Oscar from Elsewhere by Jaclyn Moriarty The Astonishing Chronicles of Oscar from Elsewhere involves two of Franc’s greatest loves, magic and skateboarding. It is written as an account of Monday through Friday at the request of Oscar’s Deputy Principal. (She wanted to know exactly what Oscar considered more important than coming […]