QBD Reviews: Vigil by Angela Slatter

Verity Fassbinder has one foot in each of two very different worlds. Half human, half Weyrd and one hundred percent bitter about the end result of her most recent attempt to protect both worlds (see: maimed by an otherworldly creature), she’s none too pleased when her boss – and ex-lover – turns up on her […]

QBD Reviews: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E.Schwab

In a world of magic, intrigue, politics and parallel universes, Kell is one of the last surviving Antari; able to travel between the universes at will, his position in Red London is an illustrious one. Raised alongside the heir of throne, revered by the people and employed as a messenger to carry communications to the […]

Reviewsday: Ruined by Amy Tintera

Heir to the decimated lands of Ruina, Emelina Flores and her people, the Ruined, have been on the run ever since a neighbouring kingdom killed her parents and kidnapped her sister. Since then, they’ve waged a campaign against the Ruined, hunting them down and murdering them on sight. Finally, Em has a plan to exact […]

Adventure into Akarnae!

Lynette Noni has created a believable magical world in “Akarnae” the first novel of the Medoran Chronicles. Mix a young adult novel with themes similar to Narnia, crossed with a bit of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, a sentient Library and a parallel world then you have the beginning of an awesome adventure. […]