Reviewsday: One-Punch Man by One & Yusuke Murata
Have you ever found yourself in the great Shounen debate of who would win a fight between Goku, Naruto, Ichigo or Luffy? Well today I have come to you with an answer to solve this quarrel once and for all. The winner would undoubtedly be One Punch Man‘s bald headed Saitama. One Punch Man is […]
Marvel vs. DC?
With the large and ever increasing world of cinematic superhero movies, and with the recent releases of ‘Batman vs. Superman‘ and ‘Captain America: Civil War‘, there is no better time than now to compare these two giants. These compilations gather together characters, cover art, and a year-by-year guide. These books are a fantastic gift to give […]
QBD Reviews: The Death of Superman by Dan Jurgens et al
Once proposed as a joke, this is the comic mini-series that redefined Superman and introduced his greatest nemesis, Doomsday. It is a massive story. It is absolutely epic. It is simply incredible. The story is simple. Doomsday, a monster of unknown origins, escapes what appears to be a containment cell. This monster, with only his […]