Reviewsday: Joelle Charbonneau’s Dividing Eden
Having read Joelle Charbonneau’s Testing series (which has a Hunger Games-esque vibe to it for all of you dystopian novel lovers!), I think I can safely say I was jumping up and down out of excitement when Dividing Eden popped up on my radar. Reminiscent of The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye, Dividing Eden tells […]
QBD Reviews: The Fate of the Tearling
Loyalties are tested, hearts are broken and a Queen stands ready to sacrifice it all for her people. The day the guards came and took her from her from her quiet cottage life was the day she was exposed to assassins, betrayal, magic and death. The day she freed the Tearling from slavery to a […]
QBD Reviews: The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
The stars are seen by all, but are interpreted by few. On the day Maya was born the stars aligned to spell out a fate worse than any before. Her marriage will be filled with death and destruction. Being a daughter of the Raja her only expectation was to marry well to help her father’s […]
QBD Reviews: Raelia by Lynette Noni
Loved this second book of “The Medoran Chronicles”; it kept my interest all the way through and did not disappoint as some sequels can. We pick up the story of Alex as she enters the Akarnae academy for her second year of learning – this time with parents in tow. In “Raelia” Alex trains harder […]