Congratulations Stella Prize Award Winner Evie Wyld!

Congratulations to 2021 Stella Prize Award Winner Evie Wyld for her acclaimed novel The Bass Rock.
QBD Reviews: Everything is Teeth by Evie Wyld & Joe Sumner

After winning the Miles Franklin award in 2014 for her novel, All the Birds Singing, Evie Wyld has turned her hand to a different kind of story. The story within these pages is that of Evie herself, growing up spending her summers on the coast of Northern New South Wales, and finding herself fascinated by […]
Reviewsday: All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld

We are each trying to control our shadow, that which we have not resolved from our past. Jake Whyte is no exception. All the Birds, Singing is her compelling story. It unfolds across two islands and 30 years. One is Jake’s future, a rugged, windswept English island where she has built her flock of sheep along with her only real companion, […]