“Line In The Sand” by Dean Yates
Dean Yates is a workplace mental health expert, public speaker, podcast host, and journalist. He is an outspoken advocate on mental health, press freedom and government accountability. Recently, he released a new book titled “Line In The Sand.” Line in the Sand is a memoir that is going to resonate for generations to come. It tackles […]
Author Q&A : Yumiko Kadota
Author Q&A with author and surgeon Yumiko Kadota about her new book Emotional Female – an account of the toxic culture of bullying and overwork that junior doctors can experience in the workplace as part of their training.
Reviewsday: Choose Your Own Autobiography
Neil Patrick Harris’ biography is everything you could imagine! It’s funny! It’s shocking! It’s legend – WAIT FOR IT – dary! Legendary! Forget boring celebrity tell alls; NPH has created an adult Choose Your Own Adventure! We get to decide when Neil has kids, when he goes to his first audition and when he dies. […]
QBD Reviews: I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
I come from a country which was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday. Girls don’t come much tougher than Malala Yousafzai. When she was just a child, the Taliban took control of her home in Swat Valley. During the following years, Malala and her father took a stand against […]