Reviewsday: Jane Doe And The Cradle Of All Worlds by Jeremy Lachlan
Can’t get enough Harry Potter? Waiting for Wundersmith? Never fear, we have found your next great magical read! Introducing the Jane Doe Chronicles! A cursed child, a magical realm, and an epic quest. It’s all our reading hopes and dreams come true! When a fierce quake strikes the remote island of Bluehaven, and her […]
Reviewsday: Whisper by Lynette Noni
One Word Can Change Your World… Lynette Noni shines with the first book in a new Young Adult series that I just couldn’t put down. I needed to read the whole thing, needed to finish it as quickly as possible. This was also the first book of hers that I have read and I loved […]
Reviewsday: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Toru Watanabe is an 18 year old freshman coasting through his college years, days spent reading literature, listening to jazz and classical music and wondering about the peculiarities of his dorm room-mate ‘Storm Trooper’. Until one day he runs into a friend from his hometown, a fragile and aloof girl named Naoko. This chance meeting […]
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Player One, are you ready to set forth on your next adventure? Are you ready to unlock the secrets behind the fantastical world of the “Oasis”? Come and flick through the pages of Ernest Cline’s debut novel Ready Player One. Whether young, old, small or tall Ready Player One will have you escorting Wade Watts […]