Reviewsday: The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel
Ivy Westfall has spent her whole life absorbing the knowledge that her family should be the ruling class of their hometown, if it weren’t for the slight issue of the civil war they lost fifty years ago. Now it is tradition amongst the two parts of town to marry children of the losing side to […]
QBD Reviews: The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward
In the magical world of Nova, the population is split into the Talented (those with magical abilities), and normal people. The Royal family, of course, is Talented. When Princess Evelyn accidentally poisons herself with a love potion meant for her crush, the Kingdom is thrown into disarray. A ‘Wilde Hunt’ is called and great riches and […]
Reviewsday: Lady Helen & The Dark Days Club
London, April 1812. The Prince of Wales, commonly known as Prinny had been regent for 1 year, Britain was on the brink of war with America, and in it’s tenth year of war with France and it’s Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. It was also the month in which Queen Charlotte returned to the practice of holding […]
Reviewsday: November 9 by Colleen Hoover
There’s something about a Colleen Hoover novel which tugs at your heartstrings in ways you never expect it to. Having read and absolutely loved some of her previous releases such as Slammed, it’s fair to say that I had my hopes pinned on another emotional and meaningful read. Well, I’m happy to say that November […]